Game Over: Dealing with Bullies

The students in Miss K’s class experience situations that occur in schools everywhere. A group of children learns how to deal with bullies in Game Over. Dalton's story teaches about bullies and bravery with brilliant illustrations and humorous text. What Do You Think? quetions, Miss K's Classroom rules, and a glossary aid teachers in classroom discussions about the character trait of fairness featured in this stunning picture book. Special thanks to content consultant Vicki F. Panaccione Ph.D. Looking Glass Library is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO Publishing Group. Grades preK-4.
- 978-1-61785-705-8
- Series/Set:
- Main Street School ~ Kids with Character Set 2
- Copyright:
- 2009
- Division:
- Magic Wagon
- Imprint:
- Looking Glass Library
- Grade Range:
- PreK-4
- ATOS Level:
- 2.5
- Dewey Number(s):
- [E]
Main Street School ~ Kids with Character Set 2
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